aem blog

aem blog

flexible work arrangements in manufacturing: 5 tactics for employers to consider

by julie davis, aem vice president of people strategy —there’s no disputing the labor shortage facing manufacturing today. the industry lost roughly 1.4 million jobs during the...

membership, regulatory landscape, leadership top aem ag sector board agenda

aem’s ag sector board of directors met on july 31 in chicago, illinois, to discuss a number of key sector initiatives. the agenda also featured updates from aem staff regarding...

export tools and opportunities for american manufacturers

in the united states, manufacturers contribute 10.70% to the nation’s total economic output and employ 8.41% of the u.s. workforce. the manufacturing sector generated $2.29...

there are no policy detours for american manufacturing

by kip eideberg, aem senior vice president of government & industry relations  — editor’s note: this was originally published by the washington examiner. it is being republished...

attention oems: you are missing out on business if you ignore digital marketing

by michael bird, ceo, spindustry —in today's digital age, manufacturers, distributors, and dealers face a crucial turning point when it comes to digital transformation and...

plan media events that stand out from the competition

by curt bennink, senior pr editor, lessing-flynn — in more than 25 years as a 2022世界杯亚洲区赛程表时间 editor, only a few notable media events remain vivid in my memory. most blur together....