ag sector board


the ag sector board provides the strategic and operational direction for the agriculture sector of aem, serving as the advocate for agriculture members in the association.


  • determine the strategic direction of the association for the agriculture industry sector.
  • provide oversight and direction on issues related to agriculture services, activities and programs, leaving the tactics to the planning committees and staff.
  • provide guidance to staff in the ongoing management of core services, activities and programs.
  • review and approve recommendations for new services and activities from members, staff and planning committees for the agriculture industry sector, submitting these recommendations to the aem board of directors for approval.
  • identify, develop and deliver industry position statements on behalf of the association to represent the interests of agriculture members and the agriculture industry sector.
  • determine the scope of eligible products and services for agriculture membership.
  • support for and active engagement in aem’s grassroots, state, and federal advocacy efforts is an important part of the roles and responsibilities of directors serving on the aem and sector boards. directors are also strongly encouraged to make a voluntary contribution between $500 and $1,000 to aempac on an annual basis and support fundraising efforts through in-kind donations and participation in ongoing fundraising activities.
  • support aem’s efforts to increase diversity, equity and inclusion across the organization.

2024 priorities

1. maintain and grow aem’s global ag leadership position

help set the course for ag industry, lead by example and strengthen our industry:

  • improve the public perception of agriculture and ag equipment manufacturing
  • lead precision agriculture efforts for north america
  • expand our outreach to animal agriculture, rural lifestyle and specialty crops
  • align global definitions and market share statistics
  • ensure north america's interests in global industry through agrievolution

2. advocate for the ag equipment industry with policy makers and regulators

with a new administration in place in the u.s. and growing our influence in canada, build relationships, educate and lobby, and focus on relevant policies:

  • advocate for aem issues in 2024 farm bill discussion
  • monitor and influence regulatory concerns
  • advocate for free trade
  • proactively address right to repair issue

3. strengthen and grow aem’s ag member business

help to grow aem ag members’ businesses:

  • building better customer connections, including commodity classic
  • facilitating industry wide workforce solutions
  • mitigating supply chain esg reporting concerns
  • addressing concerns with dealer distribution

4. promote agriculture industry role in sustanability

promote modern production agriculture and benefits of technology to stakeholders:

  • establish equipment’s role in addressing agriculture sustainability
  • utilize aem’s various ag focused 'environmental benefits' studies
  • promote modern agriculture through demo days and tour

5. address industry-wide advance technology challenges

work with aem members and industry to address machine cybersecurity and interoperability concerns:

  • address machine cybersecurity concerns for ag industry
  • form machine cybersecurity working group
  • engage with department of homeland security and other related agencies
  • address machine interoperability and data concerns
  • continue to engage with ag industry electronics foundation
  • further collaborate with aggateway as aem and representing aef
  • engage new aem member in ag technology leadership group


  • the ag sector board is led by the ag chair of aem. the position serves as an officer of the association and is elected annually by the aem board of directors in november.
  • ag chairs typically serve two one-year terms.
  • a vice chair is nominated by the nominating committee, elected by the aem board and is an elected member of the ag sector board. the vice chair will serve in the absence of the ag chair to run meetings or represent the association at events.


  • the ag sector board consists of 20 members who are elected by the membership at the annual business meeting each november.
  • the ag sector board shall represent a cross-section of the agriculture membership in aem, including whole good, portable equipment, component and service members and the various dues categories.
  • only full-time employees of members can serve on the ag sector board.
  • only one ag sector board director is allowed from each “dues payer.”

director profile

  • aem seeks top or high-level executives from member companies to serve, with an emphasis on diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, age and background along with diversity of product groups.
  • ag sector board directors will be considered by the nominating committee for selection as candidates to serve on the aem board of directors.


  • the ag sector board will meet in person three times annually in conjunction with the meetings of the aem board of directors.
  • it may also meet virtually as needed in preparation for the in-person meetings or to address a specific issue.
group leadership

ag chair

bill hurley

agco corporation

vice chair

greg petras

kuhn north america, inc.

aem staff contact

curt blades

senior vice president, industry sectors & product leadership


al melhim

senior director, agriculture
