bituminous & aggregate equipment bureau (baeb)


aem's bituminous & aggregate equipment bureau (baeb) provides manufacturers a forum to address industry issues including technological, environmental, safety, best practice, legislative, standard, and regulatory, and promote important projects to the asphalt and aggregates industry. the bureau works closely with the national asphalt pavement association (napa) on industry issues and user concerns.

product focus

group members are representatives of equipment manufacturers in the asphalt paving, compaction and aggregate processing industries, and their major component suppliers.

bureau activities

the bureau's standing technical committees are:

market statistics

there are four aem market statistic programs, overseen by the members:

  • asphalt pavers: monthly retail sales, in seven size classifications, by county/province for u.s. and canada, plus monthly shipments, by state/province, and for other nations.
  • cold planers: monthly retail sales, in five size classifications, by state/province, plus monthly shipments, by state/province, for the u.s., canada and mexico.
  • soil stabilizers: monthly retail sales, in three size classifications, by county/province, for u.s. and canada, plus monthly shipments, by state/province for u.s., canada and mexico.
  • compaction equipment: monthly retail sales, for nine product lines, each by various sizes, by county/province for u.s. and canada, plus monthly shipments, by state/province and by nation outside of the u.s. and canada through aem’s intercontinental statistical exchange service.

the compaction equipment program occasionally conducts an exchange of public specification sheets in support of the statistics programs.

bureau publications

certain member-developed publications are available as downloadable pdf documents, several at no charge. these copyrighted documents are made available for industry use and benefit only. they may be downloaded and distributed within a manufacturer's, distributor's or contractor's organization, provided that they are always transmitted in their complete form.

these documents may not be reproduced in any form for public distribution or consumption without the prior written consent of the 卡塔尔vs塞内加尔竞猜 .

group leadership


set upon call of a bureau subcommittee

vice chairman

set upon call of a bureau subcommittee

aem staff contact

ed lopez

aem technical manager, safety & product leadership
