aem's 2024 policy priorities

take a deeper dive into aem’s 2024 policy priorities


american infrastructure must meet the challenges of a 21st century economy. modernizing our infrastructure – roads, bridges, waterways, and other critical assets – will spur investment in local communities, create more jobs, and propel economic growth. for equipment manufacturers to help build, power, and feed the world, policymakers must make critical infrastructure investments to match today’s global marketplace. equipment manufacturers call on policymakers to prioritize infrastructure investments in rural, urban, suburban communities across the country, while creating a sustainable and long-term funding mechanism for america’s infrastructure.

rural america

a strong farm economy not only benefits farmers and ranchers, but also helps protect the 650,000 agricultural equipment manufacturing jobs across the united states. supporting rural america is not just about supporting the farm economy – it is so much more. america’s heartland is dotted with small towns that depend on a stable local economy, state-of-the-art infrastructure assets, and reliable public utilities. equipment manufacturers urge lawmakers to provide a vital safety net for farmers and ranchers and advance comprehensive policies that will allow producers of all sizes to tap into the latest in agricultural innovation and technology.


a reliable pipeline of skilled workers will address the current labor shortage and help build the next generation of equipment manufacturers. our industry cannot succeed and grow without the right tools or skilled workforce. it is essential that policymakers equip job creators with the resources to attract, retain, and retrain hardworking men and women to fill the skills gap. equipment manufacturers support policies to expand access and eligibility to state and federal career and technical education programs while encouraging young adults to explore family-sustaining careers and vocational opportunities beyond a traditional college education.

trade & international

one-in-five american jobs depend on reliable and consistent trade policies. following the covid-19 pandemic, america must reassert its global leadership role to guarantee the prosperity made possible by free and open markets and thriving international trade. equipment manufacturers call on lawmakers to support policies that promote u.s. trade and investment with allies near and far, create a level playing field for u.s. companies competing in global markets, and make goods and services more available and affordable for americans.

national manufacturing strategy

aem is advocating for the federal government to develop and implement a comprehensive national manufacturing strategy to strengthen the economy, create new jobs and opportunities, and ensure the united states is the best place in the world for equipment manufacturers to innovate, manufacture, and do business. securing the future of equipment manufacturing, and manufacturing overall, especially during these difficult times, should be a national priority and one that will require a coordinated and focused effort from the entire federal government. learn more.


america currently operates under one of the most competitive tax codes in the world, making the united states a viable place to conduct business. countries around the world are prioritizing economic growth, meaning the u.s. tax code will need to continue its aggressive approach towards creating a viable and friendly tax environment, so businesses look to invest and grow in america.


part of america’s workforce shortage can be addressed by offering meaningful employment and legal certainty for nearly 3 million young adults (“dreamers”) living in the united states. we should provide these individuals, brought here as children through no fault of their own, a path to citizenship while developing their skills and expertise through family-sustaining jobs in the equipment manufacturing industry. a modernized and streamlined immigration system will also help solve the skills gap by allowing american-educated students to remain here legally and contribute to our nation’s innovation and manufacturing renaissance. equipment manufacturers support commonsense immigration reform that both secures our borders and helps address our nation’s workforce challenges.